Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
What is a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis?
A hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) is a screening test that measures the mineral content of hair.
It is a non-invasive cellular tissue biopsy.
By providing a blueprint of one’s biochemistry, HTMA can provide information about metabolic rate, energy levels, carbohydrate tolerance, stage of stress, immune system and glandular activity and presence of heavy metals.
Why Measure Minerals?
Minerals are the “spark plugs” of life. They create the conductivity or energy, which helps power our cells. The foundations of our health rest upon our body’s ability to absorb and use minerals. Minerals feed and help regulate the functioning of our entire nervous system, which governs the organs and glands of our body. They are involved in almost all enzyme reactions within the body. Without enzyme activity, life ceases to exist. They also are necessary if we are to use vitamins, hormones, and neurotransmitters properly.
A great deal of scientific research now shows that mineral deficiencies are part of most all disease processes, if not a major contributing factor to them. A minerals' function ranges from providing structural support in the formation of bones and teeth, to maintaining acid-base balance, nerve conduction, muscle function and much more. Of particular note they are needed for millions of enzymes as co-factors, facilitators, inhibitors and as part of the enzymes themselves. Minerals have a great deal to do with the running of and health of our bodies.
Minerals in adequate amounts are essential for optimal health and well being. However, too much or too little of a mineral leads to toxicity or deficiency within the body and a loss of health and wellness as well.
A hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) is a screening test that measures the mineral content of hair.
It is a non-invasive cellular tissue biopsy.
By providing a blueprint of one’s biochemistry, HTMA can provide information about metabolic rate, energy levels, carbohydrate tolerance, stage of stress, immune system and glandular activity and presence of heavy metals.
Why Measure Minerals?
Minerals are the “spark plugs” of life. They create the conductivity or energy, which helps power our cells. The foundations of our health rest upon our body’s ability to absorb and use minerals. Minerals feed and help regulate the functioning of our entire nervous system, which governs the organs and glands of our body. They are involved in almost all enzyme reactions within the body. Without enzyme activity, life ceases to exist. They also are necessary if we are to use vitamins, hormones, and neurotransmitters properly.
A great deal of scientific research now shows that mineral deficiencies are part of most all disease processes, if not a major contributing factor to them. A minerals' function ranges from providing structural support in the formation of bones and teeth, to maintaining acid-base balance, nerve conduction, muscle function and much more. Of particular note they are needed for millions of enzymes as co-factors, facilitators, inhibitors and as part of the enzymes themselves. Minerals have a great deal to do with the running of and health of our bodies.
Minerals in adequate amounts are essential for optimal health and well being. However, too much or too little of a mineral leads to toxicity or deficiency within the body and a loss of health and wellness as well.
Too much or too little RELATIVE to another is proving to be just as important (perhaps more) than their individual levels. Toxic metals also have a negative effect on our mineral levels and need to be measured and assessed when dealing with health in the 21st century.
Taking a broad spectrum multi-vitamin is extremely unlikely to address an individual's unique levels and needs and could very well slow your progress.
Guessing with individual supplements can lead to toxicity or continued deficiency as well.
The balances between essential nutrient minerals are more easily disrupted in the cells and tissues than they are in the blood. Deficiencies and excesses of minerals are more readily observed in a hair tissue mineral analysis than in a blood analysis or urinalysis. Therefore, a hair analysis is often an earlier indicator of a trend towards health problems than is a blood analysis or urinalysis. This fact is very important, especially when considering a disease prevention or health maintenance nutritional supplement program.
Measure first, take corrective action and then retest is a huge reason to use HTMA
HMA is most beneficial as a repeat procedure, around 4 monthly. This provides progressive information and specific recommendations tailoring to meet the body’s needs as it recuperates over time.
Taking a broad spectrum multi-vitamin is extremely unlikely to address an individual's unique levels and needs and could very well slow your progress.
Guessing with individual supplements can lead to toxicity or continued deficiency as well.
The balances between essential nutrient minerals are more easily disrupted in the cells and tissues than they are in the blood. Deficiencies and excesses of minerals are more readily observed in a hair tissue mineral analysis than in a blood analysis or urinalysis. Therefore, a hair analysis is often an earlier indicator of a trend towards health problems than is a blood analysis or urinalysis. This fact is very important, especially when considering a disease prevention or health maintenance nutritional supplement program.
Measure first, take corrective action and then retest is a huge reason to use HTMA
HMA is most beneficial as a repeat procedure, around 4 monthly. This provides progressive information and specific recommendations tailoring to meet the body’s needs as it recuperates over time.
Who could benefit from a Hair Analysis?
Everyone can benefit from a current Hair Analysis - including those who may have developed an illness for which no explanation can be found, or those with a known illness whose treatment seems not wholly effective. Hair analysis opens the door to an entirely new set of options for achieving and maintaining good health, while addressing and solving the underlying problems that affect your individual biochemistry.
The medical research regarding the effects of trace mineral ratios and the direct influence on the brain and psychological balance is fascinating and very significant.
Listen to this Interview with Dr William Walsh for further information.
Remember, even if you are not experiencing a severe problem, HTMA can help detect the more subtle and abnormal changes in body chemistry and nutritional deficiencies that may arise long before the associated symptoms appear.
Common Causes of Mineral Imbalances
Improper Diet
Our bodies do not manufacture minerals and we must therefore obtain them from our diet. Doing so is becoming increasingly difficult now that so much of our food is either processed, not organic or not grown from mineral rich soil.
The next problem we face is that most of our food does not contain enough minerals to properly power our bodies with energy.
Another reason for mineral imbalance is STRESS. Nutritional deficiencies are almost always a result of long-term stress. As our stress progressed through its various stages, it causes changes in the balance of our body chemistry. Stress can trigger significant changes in both the adrenal and thyroid glands, affecting over overall energy and metabolism.
Other Causes of Mineral Imbalance include:
Hair Analysis is an invaluably informative screening tool that facilitates the development of a more precise and accurate program of diet, supplementation and lifestyle approach, targeted to each individual's specific needs.
Everyone can benefit from a current Hair Analysis - including those who may have developed an illness for which no explanation can be found, or those with a known illness whose treatment seems not wholly effective. Hair analysis opens the door to an entirely new set of options for achieving and maintaining good health, while addressing and solving the underlying problems that affect your individual biochemistry.
The medical research regarding the effects of trace mineral ratios and the direct influence on the brain and psychological balance is fascinating and very significant.
Listen to this Interview with Dr William Walsh for further information.
Remember, even if you are not experiencing a severe problem, HTMA can help detect the more subtle and abnormal changes in body chemistry and nutritional deficiencies that may arise long before the associated symptoms appear.
Common Causes of Mineral Imbalances
Improper Diet
Our bodies do not manufacture minerals and we must therefore obtain them from our diet. Doing so is becoming increasingly difficult now that so much of our food is either processed, not organic or not grown from mineral rich soil.
The next problem we face is that most of our food does not contain enough minerals to properly power our bodies with energy.
Another reason for mineral imbalance is STRESS. Nutritional deficiencies are almost always a result of long-term stress. As our stress progressed through its various stages, it causes changes in the balance of our body chemistry. Stress can trigger significant changes in both the adrenal and thyroid glands, affecting over overall energy and metabolism.
Other Causes of Mineral Imbalance include:
- Medications
- Birth Control Pills
- Taking vitamins and minerals, which are not compatible with your current body chemistry.
- Accumulation of toxic metals from the environment, job or hobby.
- Inheritance of mineral patterns from parents.
Hair Analysis is an invaluably informative screening tool that facilitates the development of a more precise and accurate program of diet, supplementation and lifestyle approach, targeted to each individual's specific needs.
Why use Hair?
AND Hair makes an excellent biopsy material for many reasons:
How are the results of the HTMA interpreted for full value?
The assessment of the results of the HMA is based upon the lifestyle approach to health and wellness called Nutritional Balancing.
This system has been thoroughly researched, documented and presented by Dr Wilson, and developed by Dr Paul Eck.
For an article on Nutritional Balancing by Dr Wilson: Go to: Nutritional Balancing An Introduction
The assessment of the results of the HMA is based upon the lifestyle approach to health and wellness called Nutritional Balancing.
This system has been thoroughly researched, documented and presented by Dr Wilson, and developed by Dr Paul Eck.
For an article on Nutritional Balancing by Dr Wilson: Go to: Nutritional Balancing An Introduction
How do I start?
The first step is to take a sample of hair, this then gets sent off to Full Circle Nutrition for processing.
1 Cut a hair sample from close to the scalp at the nape of the neck, or back of head.
- Use clean stainless-steel scissors.
- Use the first 3cm of hair as this reflects the most recent metabolic activity.
- Hair should be clean and dry. The sample should be taken between four and twenty four hours after washing.
- If the hair is dyed or bleached ensure it has been washed at least 5 times prior to sampling. If dyed, it is best to take a sample just BEFORE you get it treated.
- Take several small samples from different spots and combine them. This will help assure an accurate sample and leave no noticeable "bald" places in the hair style.
- The quantity required is approximately a heaped tablespoonful. (Approx 125 mcg)
- Please include more rather than less to be sure. The lab cannot test if enough hair is not included.
- NOTE: If you would like assistance with this, I am happy to assist.
2 Place the hair sample in a clean snap-lock bag or envelope.
- Label the bag with the name, age and sex of the person being tested.
3 Complete the attached Client Information Form below and forward this together with your hair sample.
- Include payment by cheque, make payment via Bpay, or advise of credit card details. Details below.
- Post to:
Peter and Emma Norwood
424 Boisdale-Stratford Road,
Maffra Vic 3860
4 Once Full Circle Nutrition receives the sample, I am notified.
NOTE: Results may take up to six weeks from the time the sample is received.
- The sample is processed and forwarded on your behalf to Analytical Laboratories in USA.
- Once evaluated, It is returned to FCN, who then advise me that it is ready for consultation.
- An consultation is set up, either at Healing Space, or directly via conference Zoom or Skype.
NOTE: Results may take up to six weeks from the time the sample is received.
Payment Details
Cost of Hair Test: $265 inc. GST
This payment includes:
Note: Hair samples will not be forwarded for laboratory testing until payment is received.
Once your payment is processed, a receipt will be emailed to you.
Cheques: Make Payable to: Full Circle Nutrition
Bank Transfer:
Account Name: Full Circle Nutrition
BSB: 033 253
ACCOUNT No: 26 8292
Credit Card: (Credit card transactions will incur a 2.6% processing fee)
Email ([email protected]) or text (+ 61 438457039) the following details:
Card Type:
Card No.:
Expiry Date:
CVV/CVC: (last 3 digits on the back of Visa/MasterCard; the 4 digits on the front of AMEX cards)
Full Circle Nutrition: Peter Norwood M: 0417 446 581
B. App Science Agriculture Dip Nutritional Balancing Hair Mineral Analysis
Cost of Hair Test: $265 inc. GST
This payment includes:
- Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis results: Laboratory outcomes from Analytical Research Lab USA
- Comprehensive interpretive report emailed
- 1 hour consultation to consolidate understanding
- Personalised nutritional supplements recommended
- Dietary and Lifestyle recommendations
Note: Hair samples will not be forwarded for laboratory testing until payment is received.
Once your payment is processed, a receipt will be emailed to you.
Cheques: Make Payable to: Full Circle Nutrition
Bank Transfer:
Account Name: Full Circle Nutrition
BSB: 033 253
ACCOUNT No: 26 8292
Credit Card: (Credit card transactions will incur a 2.6% processing fee)
Email ([email protected]) or text (+ 61 438457039) the following details:
Card Type:
Card No.:
Expiry Date:
CVV/CVC: (last 3 digits on the back of Visa/MasterCard; the 4 digits on the front of AMEX cards)
Full Circle Nutrition: Peter Norwood M: 0417 446 581
B. App Science Agriculture Dip Nutritional Balancing Hair Mineral Analysis
If you would like to discuss this modality with me in person,
please contact me, or email: mailto:[email protected]
please contact me, or email: mailto:[email protected]
"Our physical well-being is more directly dependent upon minerals we take into our systems than upon calories or vitamins, or upon precise proportions of starch, protein or carbohydrates we consume."
"Do you know that most of us today are suffering from certain dangerous diet deficiencies which
cannot be remedied until depleted soils from which our food comes are brought into proper mineral balance?"
"Laboratory test prove that the fruits, the vegetables, the grains, the eggs, and even the milk and the meats
of today are not what they were a few generations ago."
"It is not commonly realized, however, that vitamins control the body's appropriation of minerals,
and in the absence of minerals they have no function to perform.
Lacking vitamins, the system can make some use of minerals, but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless."
DR Larry Wilson
"Do you know that most of us today are suffering from certain dangerous diet deficiencies which
cannot be remedied until depleted soils from which our food comes are brought into proper mineral balance?"
"Laboratory test prove that the fruits, the vegetables, the grains, the eggs, and even the milk and the meats
of today are not what they were a few generations ago."
"It is not commonly realized, however, that vitamins control the body's appropriation of minerals,
and in the absence of minerals they have no function to perform.
Lacking vitamins, the system can make some use of minerals, but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless."
DR Larry Wilson