Neuro training / kinesiology
Neuro-Training (NT) is a modality that has grown out of a process of integrating all the principles of other modalities and combining them with Kinesiology based techniques to create a totally new way of dealing with the challenges people meet in their lives. NT is based on a philosophical model - The Model of Universal Principles, as well as a practical working model - The Solution Oriented Neuro-Training Procedure. NT's initial purpose is to help educate through training the nervous system to be able to recuperate in the best possible way from the effects of the past.
Our driving force is the need for Awareness, Action and Purpose to achieve any type of success. NT attempts to re-educate the person to have better Quantity, Quality, Focus and Purpose of energy in life to bring them into the high positives of life.
For all of us, life and the experiences we have in life, condition us in certain ways. As a result we often get caught up in doing the same thing, the same way without much thought. If this conditioning is not ideal, you can become sick, confused, stressed or worse, continue to live unsupportive habits of your ancestry. This not only includes health patterns, but also how you think, act and respond.
Neuro Training ‘re-conditions’, how you view your life experience. It also re-trains the patterns of how your subconscious thinks your life should be. It allows you to move beyond your challenges and expand your life metaphor.
Our view of life is based on our own perception. We all see life through our own filters and biased view. If these perceptions work against us, we are not able to access and use our natural inborn intelligence and excel as best we can.
If our perceptions have been clouded from a young age, we spend years compensating for these misperceptions. This has a domino effect on many aspects of our life. It effects who we think we are; it even affects the growth of our own identity. As a result, many people go through life and realise at a mature age, that they don’t even know themselves.
Different applications of Neuro Training encourage you and your Nervous System to function better generally. Some applications use specific checking processes via Kinesiology to find the best option for you to function better. You will begin to gain clarity maybe for the first time in years.
Our driving force is the need for Awareness, Action and Purpose to achieve any type of success. NT attempts to re-educate the person to have better Quantity, Quality, Focus and Purpose of energy in life to bring them into the high positives of life.
For all of us, life and the experiences we have in life, condition us in certain ways. As a result we often get caught up in doing the same thing, the same way without much thought. If this conditioning is not ideal, you can become sick, confused, stressed or worse, continue to live unsupportive habits of your ancestry. This not only includes health patterns, but also how you think, act and respond.
Neuro Training ‘re-conditions’, how you view your life experience. It also re-trains the patterns of how your subconscious thinks your life should be. It allows you to move beyond your challenges and expand your life metaphor.
Our view of life is based on our own perception. We all see life through our own filters and biased view. If these perceptions work against us, we are not able to access and use our natural inborn intelligence and excel as best we can.
If our perceptions have been clouded from a young age, we spend years compensating for these misperceptions. This has a domino effect on many aspects of our life. It effects who we think we are; it even affects the growth of our own identity. As a result, many people go through life and realise at a mature age, that they don’t even know themselves.
Different applications of Neuro Training encourage you and your Nervous System to function better generally. Some applications use specific checking processes via Kinesiology to find the best option for you to function better. You will begin to gain clarity maybe for the first time in years.
- The aim of Neuro Training is to increase the quality of your existence. To re-train your nervous system to function as it was designed to do; to deal effectively with conflicts, contexts, patterns, ideals and aspirations.
- From the moment you are born you are training your nervous system, your abilities, not only things like how to walk, but also how to use your innate intelligences, your inherited resources, and your natural recuperation abilities.
- Based on the philosophy that a person is already perfect for what they are to achieve in their lives, the challenge then is to find those things that are stopping the person from expressing that perfection. So the statement ‘what do I need to learn?’ is replaced with ‘what do I need to unlearn?’ What we have learned equates with our ‘conditioning’ and how that conditioning is determining how we do life.
- Symptoms are a form of expression that are simply pointers to a problem that exists somewhere. The aim is to not focus on problems, but instead to find what to recuperate from, to express the resources that have been deeply suppressed by life challenges.
- It is not up to the Neuro Trainer to change the individual, to fix anything or take anything away, rather it is our responsibility to provide options, the best possible options (as opposed to just any option) for you to continue to evolve and develop in the best way possible. You become your own solution. This is a very powerful way of re-directing yourself from focusing on your problems toward what you want to create in your life.
'In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away